Sunday, January 11, 2009

hit the SLOPES

i haven't been skiiing in years. i crave it so. which is why im foykin' PUMPED to be going SKIING this weekend. me and some bros are going to jay peak in vermont and fuckin RIPPIN IT UP. i've been bitching about this winter business for so long it's time i just fuckin got out there and ski'd all over it. just fuckin' GIVIN IT. this is the same mountain i got lost on several years ago and had to spend an hour and a half hiking through snowlogged terrain to escape within inches of my life. AWESOME. i can't wait to hit up those glades again. i love darting through the trees and running the risk of smashing your shit straight into one if you're being retarded (which i DEFINITELY have people). i want to do a liveblogging event from the slopes in the -5 degree weather but i don't have a gayphone or any technology with which to liveblog my events in realtime. suffice to stay i will conquer the mountain like a speedy stoned rocket and all the ski bunnies be waitin 4me at the hot tub later on (obv that song that goes "shawty u a tennnn, a tennn" will be playing).

i'm so extreme i don't really like listening to my own thoughts.

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